At First Sight Studio

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First Trade Show

I have been told by more than a few people that I am an over-thinker… I have no argument to say otherwise. I do think about things until I aggravate myself even. With that said, it is the perfect intro for this blog post!

This year I took the leap and set up at my very first trade show. I went in with a good friend of mine to split the cost on the smallest space there was to purchase. We would have liked to have had one of the big booths with plenty of fabulous inventory to fill it all out, but we are still in the stages of doing a million other things to make money to support these small businesses we are growing! It is a lot of work, and we were a little nervous even to take on this venture.

We both thought about doing this last year for the same trade show and backed out. This year we went for it!

It turned out to be a huge success, and we made many contacts in the process. It boosted my confidence in my business, and I believe it had to boost hers as well. There is nothing better than seeing someone happy with your product that you created and bringing a smile to their faces. I have experienced this with our horses that we have sold in the past too but this was just a little different.

The moral of the story is that overthinking paid off. This year has been a hard one, with so many things to overcome, but in the end, we were able to grow our business. We are more confident in our dreams, and if we had taken this on last year, we might not have been ready. My studio plan looks completely different this year than it did this time last year. Everything happens for a reason, and exactly when it should. I am thankful for finally taking the chance, but I am also grateful for the opportunity to take the chance at the right time.