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Worth The Risk


At First Sight Studio - Blog

Worth The Risk

Lauren Middleton

The evenings are my favorite part of the day this time of year!  The days last longer, and we get to enjoy the horses, cook out, or do just the normal things like watching a good movie.  No matter what, the evenings give us a chance to unwind and often times reflect on the day and all of the great things happening.

One of my projects this week incorporating new textures!

One of my projects this week incorporating new textures!

The other night, we cooked dinner then picked out a movie to watch, and we decided on Bohemian Rhapsody.  I have always liked Queen largely because my dad liked them, but the movie gave me a whole new appreciation of their music.  I know there were controversial aspects of the movie and their lives, but what amazing artists they were/are.  I have always admired where artists of any kind come up with their ideas and the way they developed them.  It made me really think about my journey and dig deep into the realm of ideas on my own front.

The movie tapped into my secret love of history. It was my favorite subject in school, and time period tv shows or movies really capture my attention.  I was so intrigued by story in Bohemian Rhapsody that I actually watched it two nights in a row and was tempted to have it playing while I was painting during the day! I even found myself looking up old videos and articles about the band, I felt like a super fan for a hot minute!  Like I said their creativity inspired me, and it all was just fascinating. 

Another piece in remembrance of a special rope horse that I finished this week.

Another piece in remembrance of a special rope horse that I finished this week.

It was wonderful to think about how these people impacted so many lives both then and now because of just being creative and doing what they love.  Yes, their music was iconic, but there was a line in the movie that hit me.  They said that their music was for the people in the room that felt they did not belong. They were singing for them, and that is what made them different.  It was a cool thought just to add to the creative minds behind their art. 

I am kind of throwing all of my thoughts out at once to basically say how impressed I am with people who take over their craft and think outside the box.  Queen was doing exactly what they wanted to do, making things completely off the wall to some but then turning it into art!  It was all just very inspiring for me because at times I think what I do is off the wall, and why should I take a risk putting something different out there. 

The risks are what make us great and draw people in.  I felt silly being so fascinated by the movie, but it got my wheels turning about risk and my own creativity.  I am happy with where I am in my life and my career, but I want to keep challenging myself and taking risks to get better.  That is what impacts people and helps us to “live our best life.”  Yes, I want to make an impact on people and be successful, but, mostly, I want to be satisfied with where I push myself to go in life.  I have to say I have my moments where I feel like I do not really belong in any particular place, but I think that is just a sign of an overactive mind so maybe I should welcome that too!

Here I am rambling once again, but it was a great week full of inspiration, overthinking, artistic breakthroughs, and taking risks.  There was some pretty great music along the way too… obviously a lot of Queen!

Larger view of my textured piece!

Larger view of my textured piece!