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Strength and Weakness


At First Sight Studio - Blog

Strength and Weakness

Lauren Middleton

Textured cotton project this week!

Textured cotton project this week!

It is funny how you figure out that some of the things you think are your biggest weaknesses turn out to be the very things that make you strong in the end.  My mom was telling me about an interview with one of the actors who plays a main character on Game of Thrones, which everyone is talking about right now because the new season is about to start!  He talked about the things that he considered to be his weaknesses like being overweight and awkward.  He never felt good in his own skin, but it turned out that those things were some of the qualities that landed him his role. 

I also remember a conversation I had with my aunt a long time ago about a guy that she went out with who ghosted her, if you aren’t familiar with the term “ghosting” or “ghosted” just be happy because it isn’t fun!  It is the new age way of avoiding confrontation rather than telling someone you aren’t into them…. My point is though that it makes you question yourself because you do not know why the other person did it.  We were sitting there talking, and I told her that it did not matter because she was somebody’s everything.  There was someone out there who she was the ideal match for, so even though that wasn’t the best moment in life, she had to know that it was just because that was not her end game.

One of my favorite things about this time of year! The Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes

One of my favorite things about this time of year! The Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes

We often wonder about the end game, or I know I do.  I have plenty of things about me that I think are weaknesses, but when I talk to others, they praise the very things that I think are the worst things about me.  My overthinking has resulted in some great choices and steps towards my future. Granted, it took a lot longer than it probably should have because of not being able to settle on a direction to go.  I get mad at myself for overthinking and worrying. I wish I could be one of those people who is spontaneous and goes for whatever it is on the spot.  Truth is, as I said, my methodical way of thinking has helped me grow so much over the past several years. 

I think that as we get older, we refine our strengths and what we think are weaknesses.  If we focus on always moving forward and bettering ourselves, we end up, for lack of a better way of saying it, meeting in the middle therefore realizing that our weaknesses are not weaknesses at all.  I also believe that if a situation only feeds on your weaknesses or makes you feel less than wonderful, that isn’t where you are supposed to be. That is not your end game. 

Always grow. Always continue to refine your strengths and weaknesses alike and focus on the fact that they make you unique.  We all have them, and it just depends on what you feed yourself each day. Are you going to dwell on the faults or take control and turn them into your greatest strength? 

Another little project this week turned out pretty cute!

Another little project this week turned out pretty cute!

I realize that this might not completely relate to my artwork or anything like that at first glance, but everything mentioned has gone into what I have decided to do and the goals I am trying to achieve.  After my mom mentioned this as an idea to talk about, it seemed like a perfect message for both myself and hopefully others.  Stay strong, but don’t forget your weaknesses might just be the thing that someone loves the most about you!